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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Sleep varies greatly across species and can be very different to what we humans experience. So what’s it like for fish? Most research on the topic...Read more
The quality of life of our Biodôme residents means a great deal to us. In addition to the wide range of daily services provided by a team of animal-...Read more
We worry a lot about the rapid destruction of the immense Amazonian rainforest, but in South America there’s another rainforest that once covered...Read more
While not represented at the Biodôme, birds of prey are nevertheless an essential element of forest ecosystems. So this is a great opportunity to...Read more
The afternoon draws to a close. Night falls. He awakes. He was curled up asleep, in the highest branches of a tree. Feeling the gnaw of hunger, he...Read more
Every year, at the approach of Earth Day, a number of organizations are taking advantage of the occasion to emphasize just how much our planet needs...Read more
The lack of nature in children’s lives could have serious consequences for their health. 44 hours:that is how long the average American child spends...Read more