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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Since the fall of 2013, the birds in the Biodôme tropical rainforest have been enjoying one of their best reproduction cycles. The bird collection in...Read more
If you’ve visited the Biodôme lately, you’ve probably noticed how funny-looking some of the penguins are. It’s because they’re going through their...Read more
She looks so cute in her aquarium. She’s little, and you think she’ll stay that way. Once, she used to be sold with a little plastic container...Read more
The tall, proud northern helmeted curassow never fails to make an impression on visitors to the Biodôme. This bird, with its haughty demeanour and...Read more
Despite her razor-sharp claws and fearsome teeth, the Biodôme’s female lynx is as gentle as can be when it comes to her three little ones, born on...Read more
Ever seen turtles sunning themselves—often in groups on top of a stump in the middle of a marsh—and wondered why they need to warm themselves up like...Read more
The blackfin icefish and Antarctic fish in general demonstrate a pronounced stenothermia and adaptations unique to the Antarctic environment. In...Read more
The pattern is as follows: a drag of the net every two hours on predetermined fishing sites, 24 hours a day unless otherwise informed by the captain...Read more
The Laurence M. Gould is a 70-meter icebreaker that can stay at sea for 74 days. Its top speed is about 25 kph. From my upper berth I hear sounds...Read more
Sharing some of our passion for nature with visitors is part of the daily routine at the Biodôme, but doing so with a group of visually impaired...Read more