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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
A butterfly inventory at Wiyashakimi Lake in Tursujuq National Park For a third consecutive summer I had the privilege of inventorying butterflies...Read more
Changing customs Humans have been consuming insects since the dawn of time – age-old traces of entomophagy (the fact of eating insects) have been...Read more
This summer has been a great one for the bees at the Insectarium . The hives here have done exceptionally well, in the process helping pollinate the...Read more
The Insectarium’s traveling exhibitions have been touring for a number of years. Over the thousands of kilometers traveled they have represented the...Read more
Are you one of the many who’ve been filled with wonder at the transformation of the monarch butterfly? Observing the feeding activities of the...Read more
For this summer, Space for Life has put together a program all in light. And when you think light at the Insectarium, you spontaneously think of...Read more
Behind the scenes at our institutions there are all kinds of people working to understand and care for our live collections. These short video clips...Read more
November 29, 2014. Mexico. It’s finally true. I’m on the way to that mythical place, the alpine forest that, from time immemorial, has been welcoming...Read more
Did you know that the Montréal Insectarium is a museum that is unique in North America thanks to the wealth of its living naturalized collection and...Read more