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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Living organisms are constantly confronted by a broad diversity of parasites of every sort. The last several months have shown us that we humans are...Read more
Text written on April 4, 2018 Snow fleas are neither fleas nor insects. In fact they’re springtails , little arthropods that are close cousins of...Read more
Defense mechanisms and aposematic signals To prevent being eaten by their many predators, insects resort to a host of defense mechanisms. The monarch...Read more
Written on December 4, 2014 For the longest time, the beauty and magnificence of insects have been a source of inspiration for painters, sculptors,...Read more
The days are growing increasingly shorter and the nights cooler and cooler: autumn is really and truly here. For some people, that means beautiful...Read more
Whereas we thought we were looking at two different species, now the Insectarium team discovers that the specimens belong to one and the same species...Read more
The Insectarium is undergoing a complete metamorphosis! Entomologists, scientific communicators and professionals of every stripe are working behind...Read more
Bright colors, extravagant shapes, unusual behaviors… Insects teem with mysteries, and have intrigued humans for the longest time. Nevertheless, not...Read more
A number of people have contacted us over the summer to ask how the monarch population is doing. Some of them mention that they’ve come across very...Read more
Katydids belong to the order of Orthopterans and number more than 6,400 species around the world, 17 of them in Québec! They have powerful hindlegs...Read more