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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Written on October 2, 2018 The illuminated pathway running through the Chinese, First Nations and Japanese gardens gives off a certain magic, and yet...Read more
Spring is fast approaching. In Chinese culture, it’s synonymous with revival. Spring expresses itself through literature, art and architecture, as...Read more
Montréal to Shanghai, Shanghai to Kunming, Kunming to Abang. Last November, when the car dropped me off alongside the dusty road in the little Red...Read more
Adjusting the lighting on the Tower façade, installing the brass handles on the Friendship Hall doors, carefully positioning the Lingbi stones in the...Read more
Since the spring of 2014, one of the Montréal Botanical Garden teams has been busy with a big project: redoing the outdoor-garden interpretation...Read more
A promise is a promise, and the snow has kept its promises: the Chinese Garden is revealed in a whole new light! The frozen lake, covered in its huge...Read more