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Sweet William
This upright, hairless plant is a dull bluish-green. Its stem grows 20 to 40 cm tall and is sticky under the nodes. The leaves are oval or lance-shaped.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyCaryophyllaceae -
Swiss cheese plant
The sturdy stem of this plant bears aerial roots that it uses to cling to a support. The leaves are broad, oval and often asymmetrical at the base. They have a long stalk surrounded by a sheath.
Plant formHerbaceous climbing plantFamilyAraceae -
Tall meadow-rue, pubescent meadow-rue
This plant may grow over 2 m tall. Its large, triangular, deeply divided alternate leaves are held horizontally. The tiny white flowers form an inflorescence that may be more than 30 cm long.
Plant formHerbaceous shoreline plantFamilyRanunculaceae -
This plant grows 1 to 2 m tall and is covered in fine, short, soft hairs. Its leaves are opposite and stalkless. The stem pierces the base of the leaves.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) -
Three-toothed cinquefoil
This short (15 cm) ligneous plant forms a dense mat on the ground.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyRosaceae -
Trembling aspen, American aspen
This tree usually grows 12 to 20 m tall, but sometimes as much as 35 m. Its smooth bark has a waxy appearance. It is pale green or almost white, covered in a whitish powder that stains the hands.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilySalicaceae -
Trumpet tree, shield-leaf pumpwood
This tree can grow to 15 m. Its leaves have pointed lobes and measure 30 to 50 cm across.
The upper surface of the leaf is green and rough, while the underside is smooth and whitish.
Plant formDeciduous treeFamilyUrticacées -
This 10 cm tall plant sometimes covers vast expanses of the forest floor with vine-like runners that grow close to the ground. The stem is covered in fine hairs.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyCaprifoliaceae -
Two-leaved mitrewort, Coolwort, Two-leaved bishop's-cap
This plant has a 20 to 45 cm long hairy stem. It bears two opposite leaves near the middle of the stem. There are other leaves, with long stalks, near the base of the plant.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilySaxifragaceae -
Two-leaved toothwort
This 20 to 35 cm tall plant has a fleshy white rhizome. Its strong stem bears two fleshy-looking, opposite leaves divided into three serrated lobes.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyBrassicaceae (Cruciferae) -
Uruca, siguaraya
This medium-sized tree grows to 6 to 14 m, and its trunk measures 20 to 30 cm across. The dark green leaves consist of 8 to 18 leaflets. The fruit is a capsule 1 to 1.5 cm long.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyMeliaceae -
Velvet-leaved blueberry, Canada blueberry
This small shrub grows 15 to 60 cm tall. The first-year branches are quite velvety. The leaves are alternate, entire, covered in hairs, oval and pointed. The tubular flowers are white or pink.
Plant formBroad-leaved shrubFamilyEricaceae