Blooms of the week
Insectivorous plants in the terrarium.
Flowers: red ginger, torch-ginger, and more.
Fruits: screw pine, Christmas palm
Flowers: some bromeliads and orchids, Mexican shrimp plant, lollipop plant, parrot plant, and more.
Colourful leaves carpet the ground and Spanish moss serves as a backdrop.
Fruits: banana tree, papaya, coconut palm, jackfruit tree, rose-apple tree, Meyer lemon, rice, and more.
Flowers: banana tree, soursop tree, and more.
Spectacularly shaped and coloured orchids. Some are fragrant.
Some aroids are also in bloom, such as tailflowers and peace lilies.
Fascinating staghorn ferns and tree ferns.
Plant walls.
Blue strap fern with iridescent fronds and strange whisk-fern (terrarium).
Foliage of various shapes, textures and colours.
Colourful blooms: begonias, tree gloxinia, rhytidophyllum, sinningia, passion flower, gesneria, chandelier plant, and more.
Plant walls.
Flowers: crown of thorns, aloe, and more.
Fruits: woolly-joint prickly pear
Over 80-year-old elephant foot trees (next to the doors of the Hacienda).
Flowers: bijlia and more.
Peeling bark of the fragrant bursera
Strange caudex plants
Beautiful penjings
Flowers: common camellia, Banksian rose
Fruits: princess persimmon
The Main Exhibition Greenhouse is opened from February 22 to April 30 for the new exposition Garden of oddness
Carnivorous plants and unusual plants
Flowers: natal lily, New Guinea trumpet vine, powderpuff tree, agapanthus, and more.