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Insects and other arthropods

Black vine weevil

Otiorhynchus sulcatus

Tabs group


These oval-shaped insects are slate grey to black, 7.5 to 11 mm long, with elbowed antennae. Their elytra (wing covers) are covered with tiny concave areas and patches of short grey or yellow hairs and golden “scales.” They are flightless, since the elytra are fused, but can run quickly.

The legless larvae are creamy white with light brown heads.

Life cycle

In North America, this species comprises only females, and hence reproduces by parthogenesis (without males). The adult females emerge from the ground in the spring or early summer. They must feed for several days in preparation for egg laying. Eggs are laid on the ground or in leaf litter, near host plants.

The adults are nocturnal and can live up to three years and lay 100 to 800 eggs. They spend the winter as larvae, buried in the soil amongst plant roots. There is only one generation a year.

Geographic distribution

The species is common in almost all Canadian provinces, including Quebec, and in the eastern and western United States. It is less present in central North America.

It is also found in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.