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Galerie des jardinautes

En cours de chargement...
    Nous habitons en ville et nous souhaitions amener de la nature et de la vie dans notre petite cour. Nous n'avons aucun gazon sur notre propriété dont la cour arrière est en grande partie située à l'ombre d'un érable argenté majestueux. Nous laissons la végétation pousser entre les dalles de pierre qui recouvrent le sol (plantain, pissenlits, origan, asters, mousses, etc.). Au fil du temps, nous...
    Le verdissement de la terrasse de la bibliothèque nous tient à cœur. Nous souhaitons offrir à la communauté un espace végétalisé faisant place à la biodiversité. Pour ce faire, nous avons augmenté la superficie végétale, ajouté des plantes indigènes et planté une variété de végétaux bénéfiques aux pollinisateurs, papillons et oiseaux. Nous avons intégré un potager où les usagers peuvent se servir...
    This is our 8th year since we created a garden to attract/save/protect bees and butterflies. This year when we were home, we counted 22 days that we saw a monarch or more in our garden giving us a total of 38 monarchs, 2 days we had 3 at a time, 3 days we had 2 at a time, 3 days we had 4 at a time and the other 14 days we only saw 1. 3 monarchs were spotted in July, 6 in August and 29 in...
    I wanted to create an English style garden on the land around our building which was nothing but mostly grass. I started the basics in 2017 and have replaced almost 50% of the grass lawn with a mix of shrubs, trees and many types of local flowers and indigenous plants. It has made many people in the neighborhood very happy and brought alot of pleasure to myself as I have planned and created it...
    I grew up in the mountains of B.C., and always grew a vegetable garden. Watching the biodiversity increase as I planted native species and naturalized the space was its own motivation and reward.
    Nous avons créé un jardin espace pour la vie pour vivre d'une façon plus écologique et pour soutenir nos voisins naturels. We are eager to share our passion for supporting the plants and animals in our community and are excited to connect with like-minded individuals across the province who share this passion.
    Since 1980, we have had monarch butterflies arrive in our garden every summer. Each year, we wonder if they will return, and they always do. We marvel at how they find their way all the way back to our exact backyard, and land among the same flowers and milkweed plants. When we were children, we'd keep the caterpillars in a jar and keep them well-fed, and watch them make their chrysalis and...
    Initially I had a formal garden with colors to compliment my stained-glass windows: pink and white roses, magenta peonies and yellow leafed shrubs. My garden already had crabapple trees and a lilac shrub for the birds. But when the lilac died and after many years of struggling with the lawn I was more than happy to give that part of the lawn to wild and other flowers and to let the grass grow. In...
    We had wanted to eliminate an impermeable, paved surface along the north side of the property side for years, so in 2019 we began by replacing the asphalt with pea gravel and a mixed garden of native conifers and some decorative, non-native greenery to provide insect and bird habitat and to promote cooling. In 2021 we created a raised vegetable garden with the help of Urban Seedlings and in...
    I subscribe to several newsletters that explain how to make the garden bird- and pollinator-friendly. The information from them and Space for Life prompted me to modify and apply to certify my garden. We are near the Falaise St-Jacques and close to railroad tracks and Meadowbrook Golf Club, so I like to think of my backyard as part of continuous green band that is home or a range for many birds...