- Planétarium
Here's a look at the planets that will be observable with the naked eye in the coming days. Follow these guidelines to find out where and when to look for them.
From February 20 to March 6, 2023
Mercury is too close to the Sun and is not visible at the moment. From Earth’s perspective, the tiny planet will pass behind the Sun (superior conjunction) on March 17 and will reappear in the evening sky by the end of the same month.
Venus is the dazzling Evening Star that shines in the southwest 30 minutes after sunset. Slightly fainter Jupiter shines to its upper left: Notice how the two brightest planets are closing in on each other with each passing evening. At dusk on March 1st, Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction, just ½ degree apart. On February 21 at dusk, the thin lunar crescent hangs 7 degrees below Venus; the following evening, February 22, the Moon appears 1 ½ degree below Jupiter.
Mars is receding from Earth but remains a bright, orangish object at the moment. The Red Planet appears high in the sky at dusk, shining almost 70 degrees high in the south, and vanishes below the west-northwest horizon around 2:00 a.m. During the night of February 27 to 28, the waxing gibbous Moon approaches within 1/3 degree of Mars.
Jupiter appears during twilight about 25 degrees above the west-southwest horizon and vanishes in the west after 8:00 p.m. Dazzling Venus shines to its lower right: Notice how the gap between the two brightest planets closes with each passing evening. At dusk on March 1st, Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction, just ½ degree apart. After March 1st, the two planets switch places, with Venus now to the upper left of Jupiter. On the evening of February 22, the thin waxing crescent Moon hangs 1 ½ degrees to the lower left of the bright Giant Planet.
Saturn is too close to the Sun and is not visible. The Ringed Planet passed behind the Sun (conjunction) on February 16 and will reappear in late March in the east-southeast at dawn.