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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Of the 2,700 butterflies found in Québec, over 95 percent are what are known as moths. These nocturnal butterflies, contrary to popular belief, can...Read more
We’re so often impressed by human inventions. And yet, nature often got their ahead of us, and a long, long time ago. Insects can inspire at any...Read more
Have you ever wondered what insects do in winter, when it is too cold to eat and multiply? Where do they go? The famous Aesop fable “The Ant and the...Read more
Who hasn’t heard a scary story about spiders? Their mysterious habits, their sometimes strange appearance and our fertile imaginations often make us...Read more
It might not seem like an ideal roommate at first glance, but the house centipede’s habits cannot be faulted! Scutigera coleoptrata , to give it its...Read more