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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Eggspecting royalty On December 9th, 2022, the Biodôme’s penguin care team discovered an egg under the female king penguin. As no bonding nor nesting...Read more
Written on April 28, 2021 Planning a visit to the Biodôme with your school-age children? As a couple? By yourself? Try the free “Espace pour la vie”...Read more
On May 15, 1982, I arrived in the village of Percé. The years that followed would define the intense passion that I have for the sea. I’d like to...Read more
Summer is what’s going on outside! Haven’t you noticed that nature is everywhere? If you haven’t, all it takes is to alert your senses and direct...Read more
Commercial tench fishing could help control the invasion of this species in the St. Lawrence River and benefit…the Biodôme’s animals! The invasion of...Read more
This year, cool weather is delaying the spring outburst as it’s often pictured: the crows waking us up, the colorful planted beds, the woodland scene...Read more
Who hasn’t heard about acupuncture by now? Or massage therapy? If we haven’t had one or the other ourselves, we all know at least one person who’s...Read more
It’s autumn in Montréal, meaning it’s spring in the Antarctic and spring for our penguins. Moreover, one of our macaroni penguin couples ( Eudyptes...Read more
Observing the unnoticed The spotted salamander, the spotted turtle, the eastern milk snake, the spring peeper... A list of names unknown to most...Read more
Throughout our history, down through time, right across Québec territory, the St. Lawrence River has connected us. It anchors us, all of us together...Read more