Espace pour la vie blog guidelines

This blog is intended as a discussion center where everyone is invited to express him- or herself with transparency, spontaneity and respect. To that end we invite you to observe a few rules of etiquette.


To take part in the Espace pour la vie blog and leave your comments, you must identify yourself by providing:

  • a name or username;
  • a valid email address (not published).

Publishing comments

We ask all participants to write their contributions with a view to respectful exchange. A comment will not be used if it is in any way defamatory, racist or obscene or if contains an advertising or promotional purpose. The moderator may also, without prior notice, delete comments having no connection with the Espace pour la vie blog. By submitting a comment for publication, you agree that the publisher of this blog may make use of it free of charge, without any limits on time or choice of medium.


The goal being to foster spontaneous exchanges, the blog is moderated a posteriori, meaning that a moderator reads and validates each contribution before its publication. The moderator reserves the right to withdraw a comment, without notice, if he or she decides that it does not respect the guidelines of the blog. Any username, avatar, or inappropriate content may, at any time, be deleted by the moderator. In registering for the blog, you agree to respect its guidelines as well as the authority of the moderator.

Protection of personal information

The Espace pour la vie (Ville de Montréal) blog manages its use of personal data in conformity with the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (CQLR, c C-12); the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (S.C. 2000, c. 5); the Act respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information (CQLR, c A-2.1); the Archives Act (CQLR, c A-21.1); the Civil Code (articles 35 to 41); and Bill 86 (2005): An Act to Amend the Act respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information and Other Legislative Provisions. Internet users who wish to have a comment appear on the blog are requested to provide their email address so that Espace pour la vie can identify the person in question. Failure to provide this information means that the user will be unable to participate.

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