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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Insect nesting boxes , sometimes called “insect hotels,” aim at boosting the number and diversity of insects in the environment. They have become a...Read more
Pollinators are essential for our vegetable gardens, boosting the production of a number of our favorite fruits and vegetables in a significant way...Read more
When I talk about my work, most people are surprised that I can rear insects and make a career out of it. But in fact, there are many reasons for...Read more
On August 24 and 25, the Insectarium team invites the entire family to an exceptionnal event. Get out the drums and the trumpets, coz it’s party time...Read more
In the information and mobile-technology age, it’s easier than ever to immortalize the spectacles that nature presents. Were you aware that when you...Read more
In North America there are over 90 species of milkweed, four of which are native to Québec. Are monarch butterfly females more attracted by certain...Read more
Working in what’s called backstage at the Insectarium is truly fascinating. Obviously you have to be fairly comfortable with the critters you find...Read more
Faithful to instinct, the monarchs have hit the road for Mexico. The autumn migration is a great adventure, but one that only an estimated half of...Read more
Caterpillars are enormously popular with children. They’re attractive, accessible, don’t sting and don’t bite. They put up with being handled, and...Read more
Butterflies Go Free isn’t the only place in town to get a good look at butterflies. Were you aware that many of Québec’s butterfly species can be...Read more