
François Reeves

François Reeves
Collaborateur info
François Reeves

Dr. François Reeves is an interventional cardiologist at the CHUM and the Cité-de-la-santé de Laval and Associate Professor of Medicine at the Université de Montréal with a joint appointment in the Department of Environmental Health. Over the past eight years or so, he has developed an interest in environmental cardiology, believing that an unhealthy environment is a major and poorly understood risk factor for heart disease. He considers the urban forest to be one of the keys to a heart-friendly city. His interests include the connection between biodiversity and human health. He published Planète Cœur in 2011, a runner-up for the Roberval prize, and Planet Heart in 2014, one of three finalists for the 2014 Lane Anderson Award for the best science writing in Canada. He is a member of the Quebec Ministry of the Environment advisory committee on the climate change action plan and heads up the environmental health committee of Médecins francophones du Canada. His best ideas come to him while strolling in the forest.

François Reeves is a doctor and was part of the exhibition Three for Trees at the Frédéric Back Tree Pavilion, at the Jardin botanique de Montréal.

Articles by François Reeves