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Would you like to participate in the advancement of natural science and scientific culture? Get people interested in environmental issues? Become a member of the Espace pour la vie Foundation and take part in its activities.
Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Written on May 15, 2019. It’s no secret, plastic poisons the oceans, the environment and our health. Plastics are made from petroleum and are...Read more
Written on September 24, 2018 At the first signs of fall, being a kid I was the one responsible for clearing the dead leaves at home, and I got 25...Read more
Every animal produces waste, which it expels in the form of urine and feces. Undigested food comes out in the form of excrement: rich in bacteria and...Read more
First and foremost, buying green means buying less. Environmentally friendly, recycled or recyclable products may sometimes be more expensive to...Read more