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Euphydryas phaeton
Photo: Insectarium de Montréal (Maxim Larrivée)
Euphydryas phaeton
  • Euphydryas phaeton
  • Vanessa atalanta
  • Nymphalis
  • Aglais milberti
  • Colias pelidne
  • Papilio machaon hudsonianus
  • Boloria frigga
  • Agriades glandon
  • Danaus plexippus

Butterfly lovers can now share their passion with the whole world on the community-science platform.

  • Track your butterfly sightings as well as sites
  • Organize, store and share your photos
  • Discover butterflies you’ve never seen
  • Consult dynamic range maps
  • Share your sightings with other people
  • Contribute to science and to conservation

Whether on your computer or your smartphone, eButterfly offers you a simple, user-friendly way to note your butterfly sightings and ensure their follow-up.

The data you share on eButterfly may be useful to a great many people. For example, they allow other enthusiasts to get to know the butterflies in your region, and researchers and conservation specialists to monitor population trends. And these data are of inestimable value for scientists monitoring the impact of climate change on butterfly populations.

eButterfly’s user guide

A quick start guide has been designed to steer new users through each step in using the platform.

Powerful artificial-intelligence tool

eButterfly uses the most recent technologies to identify butterflies from around the world. A team consisting of Mila – Québec Artificial Intelligence Institute and its partners has created an advanced image-recognition algorithm that identifies most of the world’s butterflies based on their location and a picture uploaded to eButterfly.

A project made possible thanks to collaborative work

eButterfly is an international project devoted to research, conservation and education supported by the following organizations: Vermont Center for Ecostudies, Space for Life and the University of Ottawa.

Citizen science at Space for Life

In line with the priorities of the Montréal 2030 strategy, the mission of Space for Life is to bring people closer to nature, to inspire them and encourage them to adopt behaviors that foster the socioecological transition. It is in that light that numerous programs at the local, national and international levels are being carried out, including the following citizen-science projects:

Community science: hitting three targets with one stone