Simplify your visit to the Biodôme or the Insectarium with the app: locate yourself in real time, discover exclusive content and enrich your knowledge.
Would you like to participate in the advancement of natural science and scientific culture? Get people interested in environmental issues? Become a member of the Espace pour la vie Foundation and take part in its activities.
Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
How do trees get through winter?
Blog by Andrée Hallé
À la recherche de la noisette rouge
Jardin botanique’s brand-new wintertime fun trail, starting February 27
Discover the Jardin botanique in winter
Free access to outdoor gardens until April 30
Day camps 2025
Registration from February 22 at 9 a.m.
Youth Gardens
Registration in progress!
Indoor plants
Do you have trouble choosing the best plant for your living room?
Due to construction work, the Jardin Botanique’s greenhouses are currently closed. The outdoor gardens remain open and accessible free of charge until April 30. Take this opportunity to explore the Jardin botanique in winter.
Gardens and greenhouses
On its 75 hectares, the Jardin botanique de Montréal presents a remarkably diverse array of plants to visitors in all season. Explore its beauty through some twenty outdoor gardens and its 10 exhibition greenhouses.
Learn more...
With collections including more than 25,000 books, 100 multimedia documents, 300 videos, 32,000 brochures, 55,000 volumes of periodicals and 500 current periodical titles, ours is one of the largest horticulture, botany and landscaping documentation centres in Canada. Learn more...