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Marie-Hélène Brice, botanist and researcher

Marie-Hélène Brice
Photo: IRBV / Amélie Philibert
Marie-Hélène Brice
  • Marie-Hélène Brice
  • Plant life near the A25 Bridge, on the banks of Rivière des Prairies.
  • Aerial view of a spruce stand.
  • Laurentian forest.

Researcher at the Jardin botanique since 2021, Marie-Hélène Brice is a biologist specializing in forest ecology and digital ecology. The aim of her research is to understand how plant communities respond to global change. Her projects range from the vast expanses of the boreal forest to small green spaces in urban environments.

  • Research botanist, Jardin botanique de Montréal
  • Associate professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Université de Montréal

Areas of research and expertise

  • Forest dynamics
  • Biodiversity of plant communities
  • Climate change
  • Disturbance ecology
  • Urban ecology
  • Resilience


Doctorate – Biological sciences, 2020
Université de Montréal

Contributing to improving ecosystem conservation

Through her research, Marie-Hélène Brice seeks to understand how plant communities respond to global changes, including global warming, forest management, and urbanization.

The botanist studies both boreal forests and urban green spaces, analyzing biodiversity changes across different spaces while striving to understand their causes. She aims to translate scientific discoveries into actionable knowledge for conservation and land management.

How have human and natural disturbances influenced forest dynamics in the past? What will their effects be on forest trajectories, and how will climate change disrupt these patterns? To answer these questions, Brice employs various methods, including field inventories, modeling, and data analysis on climate and soil conditions.

To carry out her research projects, she collaborates with experts from diverse fields, such as foresters, horticulturists, and modelers.