Download the mobile application prior to your visit
To be ready to visit the Biodôme upon arrival, it is recommended that you download the mobile application beforehand. The mobile application is available for free on Apple Store and Play Store. It is compatible with iOS and Android mobile platforms.
Minimum supported versions are:
- Android 6 (Marshmallow)
- iOS 11
If you don't have a compatible mobile device and wish to visit the Biodôme using the mobile app, go to the Biodôme ticket counter to borrow an iPod free of charge (limited quantities). Proof of ID is required for the loan.
Download the app
Bring a baby carrier or an umbrella stroller
The use of a baby carrier or umbrella stroller is recommended to make the movement of visitors on the Biodôme's trails and walkways easier. An elevator provides easy access to all levels.
For any other questions, please consult our Questions and Answers section.