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American chestnut

  • Trees and Shrubs
American chestnut (Castanea dentata)
Photo: Jardin botanique de Montréal (Robert Mineau)
Castanea dentata.



Origin and description

Chestnut trees are deciduous. The American chestnut almost disappeared in the middle of the last century because of chestnut blight, a fungal disease. Although still present, the disease seems to have lost its virulence.

This tree branches near the ground and forms a rounded crown that can reach 10 m. in height. Foliage is dense, yellow-green above and paler below, turning bronze in autumn.

Common name

American chestnut

Latin name (genus)

Castanea dentata

English common name

French common name

Botanical family

  • Fagaceae

Growing conditions

This species grows best in a protected environment and can be planted in groupings or individually to highlight its shape and foliage.


  • Zone 3

See also

Pests and diseases
Physiological disorders