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Watering roses

Floribunda rose (Rosa 'Moondance')
Photo: Jardin botanique de Montréal (Michel Tremblay)
Rosa 'Moondance'

It is recommanded to never allow your roses to dry out, particularly when they first start growing in spring and after the first bloom cycle. Installing an irrigation system is a good investment, as it reduces water consumption.

When to water?

If you plan to spray your plants with a hose, do it early in the morning so that the leaves will dry quickly.

Tips for watering roses

  • Do not water in full sun; the water will evaporate too quickly.
  • Mulch the soil to reduce water loss.
  • If there are no mulches, hoe regularly to keep the soil moist.
  • A soaker hose keeps the leaves drier and prevents fungal diseases.