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Insects and other arthropods

Oblong-winged katydid

Amblycorypha oblongifolia

Tabs group


These green crickets are 40 to 52 mm long. When populations are dense, it may be possible to find some yellow or bright pink individuals. As in other members of the Tettigoniidae, their antennae are longer than their bodies. The oblong, fairly wide wings also extend past the abdomen. The head is rounded on top and there is a large space between the antennae at their base. The legs are long.

The female has a laterally flattened ovipositor (egg-laying organ).

Life cycle

The male sings to attract a female. When they mate, he transfers a spermatophore (sperm mass) to his partner’s abdomen. Once fertilized, she lays her eggs in the soil.

Geographic distribution

This species lives in the eastern United States and southern Quebec.